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Archive for category: Reportage

Gran Canaria (the European summer in winter)

Gran Canaria enjoys year round warmth and sunshine with very little seasonal variation. Summers are hot and dry while winters are just slightly cooler with a few showers. The island is the third largest of Spain’s Canary Islands, often called ‘Islands of Eternal Spring’ due to their enviable climate. Till November, is hot and sunny; from December till April, is […]

Di Roma lo stemma, di Siena l’onore

23 Dic 2014 / 1 Comment / in documentary, Italy, Palio, people, Reportage

Siena secondo la leggenda fu fondata da Senio, figlio di Remo, ucciso dal gemello Romolo fondatore di Roma. Senio, col fratello Aschio, avrebbe infatti lasciato Roma perché perseguitati dallo zio Romolo trovando rifugio nella nuova città. Statue della Lupa che nutre i due gemelli sono sparse per tutta Siena. Dalla leggenda prende il nome la Contrada della […]

Foreign Tourists in Italy

In Italy there is the largest number of cultural and artistic heritage in the world while the Public Expenditure of the Italian State about culture was in 2012 equal to 1,1% of its GDP against an EU average of 2.7% bringing Italy to the penultimate place (worse only makes Greece) in Europe. All it contrasts […]

25 Aprile 1945 – 25 Aprile 2014

LA COSTITUZIONE della REPUBBLICA ITALIANA Principi fondamentali Art. 1 L’Italia è una Repubblica democratica, fondata sul lavoro. La sovranità appartiene al popolo, che la esercita nelle forme e nei limiti della Costituzione. Art. 2 La Repubblica riconosce e garantisce i diritti inviolabili dell’uomo, sia come singolo sia nelle formazioni sociali ove si svolge la sua […]

Carnevale di Venezia

The Carnival of Venice has ancient origins (since 1064) . As in the Roman Empire the Games (panem et circenses) were used for “drugging the square” and calm the lower classes with a period devoted to recreation and entertainment, so the Venetian oligarchy of Venice instituted the carnival as we know today already from the […]

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

SANTA RUNNING is the “march of Santa Clauses” which takes place in Milan to officially open the holiday season. Now in its third edition with 10,000 participants this non-competitive race is taking place in the hearts of the Milanese Citizen as a festive, colorful (especially “Red Santa Claus” and “Snow White Beard”) and cute event […]

2 Dicembre 2013 – Riapre McDonald’s in Galleria (Galleria 2)

MILAN, DECEMBER 2 – “We are happy, satisfied to be back here in about twenty feet from where we were before.” He said Roberto Masi, CEO of McDonald’s For Italy, which today held a party, offering hamburgers and soft drinks for free, for the return of fast food in living room of Milan. The previous […]

Favignana in Late August

Favignana is the biggest island of the Egadi’s archipelago (Favignana, Levanzo, Marettimo, Stagnone and Formica). It was really well known to be one of the most important fixed tuna fishing place in the Mediterranean sea. In fact the Florio Family (the same family of the Marsala Wine and the mythical “Targa Florio” Race ) owned […]

Le Vie delle Foto (

The project “Le vie delle Foto” is a collective photography presentation made up of many different single exhibitions around the center of Trieste. Taking place from the 1st October until the 31st October 2012 the project involves more than 100 collaborators including photographers, bars, restaurants and hotels. This collective photography exhibition will be designed as […]

Palio in Between

The Palio of Siena is not an event organized for tourism, but it is the essence and the heart of the city of Siena and its inhabitants. Since 1644 the Race of “Piazza del Campo” has run by horses ridden bareback by the jockeys, real heroes of the districts. The city is divided into 17 […]