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Archive for category: city

Closer to Roma

29 Ott 2018 / 0 Comments / in city, Street Photography

Roma is the most beautiful city in the world.   Full stop. Nevertheless in this moment the crazy Political Italian Situation and the new bad way of my Country involve the Italian Capital too. I live in Milan and I found Roma really dirty, disordered and decadent… Herewith just my Roman street shots taken during […]

NEW YORK, Street in BW

Ho preso spunto da uno degli ultimi articoli di Andrea Scirè, un amico e serio Street Photographer, dal titolo “QUANTO SIETE LIBERI DI FOTOGRAFARE ?” apparsi recentemente sul suo seguitissimo blog per liberamente andare controcorrente a quello che avevo affermato e continuo a credere sul COLORE E LA STREET PHOTOGRAPHY. Che cosa è la […]

Milan’s Carnival – a Street vision

It is really strange, but in Milan the Carnival happens 4 days later than all the world. Milan is the 2nd Italian City after the Capital Rome and it wants always to be different. The rivalry with the Capital is in all aspects, not only about football or sports, but in all life’s issues. Milan […]

Chicago, Seattle & Los Angeles

Just street photography, 6 days, 3 Cities. Do Street photography in USA is a really pleasure, as to be a baby in a fantastic Luna Park! Take the moment and put it in a superior level. This is street Photography. You could shoot a lot or just some shots, the important issue is to “Take […]

Gentleman’s Ride Milano

On Sunday September 27th 2015, more than 36,833 smartly-dressed gentlefolk in 410 cities from 79 countries will straddled the saddles of their café racers, bobbers, scramblers and other marvellous custom motorcycles to raise awareness and help fund the cure for prostate cancer. In Milan 625 Riders and 14.289 € reached made the day very positive.

Milano Street Photography

As you know the Street Photography comes from “straight photography” or direct photography of the early ‘900 (for more and better information go to the blog of Angel Ferrillo). The most interesting thing for me is that the Street Photography is born as a new movement of photography that has as main characteristic to not […]

Thank you Mom, Thank you Girls ! (70th Anniversary of the Italian Freedom)

70 years ago North of Italy found the freedom from the Fascism and from the “Republic of Salò” (the part of Italy still under the Mussolini’s regime after the armistice dated Sept. 8th 1943 when South of Italy passed under the Allies USA-UK-F). It was September 25th 1945. If I think about 70 years I […]

Stramilano 2015 – The 50.000 runners

It’s been over 40 years since 1972 Renato Cepparo invented the Stramilano running. From initial 43 km it passed in following years to 22km up to the classic 10 today. The Stramilano of 10 km is called the march of 50,000. With Stramilano 2015 formally the season of Milan Expo 2015 opens, whose motto “Feeding […]

Milano fashion street

Italian fashion is considered one of the most important in the world, along with those of France, United States, Great Britain and Japan. Fashion has always been an important part of Italian culture. In 2009, Milan was considered the fashion capital, surpassing even cities like New York, Paris, Rome and London. Most of the major […]

Foreign Tourists in Italy

In Italy there is the largest number of cultural and artistic heritage in the world while the Public Expenditure of the Italian State about culture was in 2012 equal to 1,1% of its GDP against an EU average of 2.7% bringing Italy to the penultimate place (worse only makes Greece) in Europe. All it contrasts […]