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Archive for category: portrait

LUPA LUPAE !!! (si è vinto il Palio !!!)

La Lupa ha fatto “SCOMPIGLIO” ! Si è vinto il Palio di Provenzano (2 Luglio 2016). Grande Jonatan Bartoletti! Grande LUPA!!!! Era dal 1989 che la Contrada della Lupa non vinceva il Palio. Era la cosiddetta “nonna” (per maggiori info andate sul mio Reportage “Di Roma lo Stemma, di Siena i colori“. La Lupa è […]

Milan’s Carnival – a Street vision

It is really strange, but in Milan the Carnival happens 4 days later than all the world. Milan is the 2nd Italian City after the Capital Rome and it wants always to be different. The rivalry with the Capital is in all aspects, not only about football or sports, but in all life’s issues. Milan […]


If today Milan in 2015 is this (the economic capital and the business of Italy) one of the reasons are the “Navigli” canals. Milan is not born on a great river as Rome (Tiber), Florence (Arno), Turin (Po) or Verona (Adige), but grows and develops in an area rich in spring waters and it has […]

MI AMI festival: POP & HOT

The MI AMI festival (Important music in Milano) organized by Rockit  is not just a Music festival today arrived at the 10+1 edition. It is the youth festival where the Italian youth is free to be free. Freedom and sexuality come out from every corner of the festival. It is one of the place in Italy were […]

Carnevale di Venezia

The Carnival of Venice has ancient origins (since 1064) . As in the Roman Empire the Games (panem et circenses) were used for “drugging the square” and calm the lower classes with a period devoted to recreation and entertainment, so the Venetian oligarchy of Venice instituted the carnival as we know today already from the […]

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

SANTA RUNNING is the “march of Santa Clauses” which takes place in Milan to officially open the holiday season. Now in its third edition with 10,000 participants this non-competitive race is taking place in the hearts of the Milanese Citizen as a festive, colorful (especially “Red Santa Claus” and “Snow White Beard”) and cute event […]

Palio in Between

The Palio of Siena is not an event organized for tourism, but it is the essence and the heart of the city of Siena and its inhabitants. Since 1644 the Race of “Piazza del Campo” has run by horses ridden bareback by the jockeys, real heroes of the districts. The city is divided into 17 […]

Course of Photography Level 1 – Corso di Fotografia Livello 1

LIFEPHOTO in cooperation with BETTER DAYS and ROCKIT ( organised the Photographic Course Level 1. This course starts introducing the basis of photography arriving to help the students in realizing their first practical reportage on the road and allowing studio experiences thanks to the cooperation with ilLABstudio in Milano ( Herewith please you could find […]

25 Aprile 2013 – Not Only the Day of the Italian Liberation

On April 25, 1945 Genoa, Turin and Milan were liberated by the Nazi oppression and Italy found its Freedom. Every year they show and hand down the memory of what happened in those terrible moments to remember it and with the hope modern generations are able to finally reconcile themselves with the past. Nevertheless this […]

Stramilano 2013 – The Milano Running

The “Stramilano” is a running event created in 1972 by Renato Cepparo. The idea took shape after the unexpected success of the Milan-Proserpio, a “non-competitive walk” of 43 km that Cepparo organized beginning with a few friends and then in an “open” to anyone who wanted to sign up from 18/Sett/1971. The first edition of […]