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Archive for category: Reportage

Mimosa Woman

In New York in 1908, the female workers of the textile industry Cotton went on strike to protest against the terrible condition where they forced to work. The strike continued for some days, until on March 8th the company owner, Mr. Johnson, blocked all the factory’s doors to prevent workers leaving. At the plant was […]

Exibition: “Favignana: quiete e mattanza” (from March 10th in Milano)

Favignana is a butterfly landed on Mediterranean Sea in front of the western Sicilian Cape. Its wings were always shacked by Tuna loving parade between end of May & beginning of June. The “Last Tonnaroti” followed the Tuna life cycles for having food & making a profitable business every year. Unfortunately the new technologies and […]


In Italy 2011 was the Demonstration Year against the National Rubbish Political Power. It was not only the “Berlusconi problem” but all the political system was ill. The Majority commanded by Mr. Berlusconi and his friends was not able to manage the Country. Their only policy was to defend the King for protecting their chair. […]

Freezer Milano

February 2012 was the most snowing and most cold month of the year in all Italy. Peaks of -28°C were registered in town Livigno (Lombardia, North of Italy close to Switzerland). On the Adriatic Cost side near Cesena the level of snow reached 100 cm. Rome, because of the public structures inexperience, was blocked and […]

Piazza degli Affari (Italian Stock Exchange, a square of Milano)

From financial crisis of end 2008, our life of ordinary mortals seems never to be the same. Everything started from the “subprime” crisis and from the crunch of the financial products called derivatives through which, in a very complex system of Chinese boxes, the debt of each company, bank, or private entity was divided, packaged […]

Ligue du Nord

Milano (Italy), Jan. 22nd 2012 Political Demonstration of “Lega Nord” party. The Italian League North Party (Lega Nord) is actually the only parliamentary opposition in Italy against the new prime minister Professor Mario Monti after the Beluconian disaster. The “Lega” was born more than 20 years ago in Lombardia region, one of the richest European […]

FIS Cross-Country World Cup in Milano

On January 14th-15th 2012 Milan is back as the winter sports capital hosting the 10th Competition of the FIS World Cup Cross Country sixteen years after the FIS World Cup cross-country skiing to the  “Fiera Campionaria Fair” and at the Vigorelli Velodrome in 1998. Sprints are raced on a ring of 620 m starting and […]

So critical so fashion

24 Set 2011 / 0 Comments / in Colors, Colour, Goods, Milano, News, Reportage

Between 23 and 25 September 2011 at the prestigious location of the “Frigoriferi Milanesi” in Milan at Via Piranesi protagonists of the event were small quality and environmentally company, conscious and independent young bands who choose a researched tailoring and rich in traditions, stylistic socially responsible projects that propose a sustainable fashion, without neglecting beauty, […]

Portraits of USA streets

USA are really the best country where shooting people. Differently from Europeans, the Americans are accustomed to being photographed and do not care about your camera. So taking good images of streets portraits is relatively easy in NY and San Francisco. Maybe for this reason some of the best books of “street photography portraits” was […]

Save the Italian Constitution

Milano March 12th 2011. Demonstration of honest Italian People for defending one of the best constitution in the world (The Italian Constitution) that one crazy Prime Minister and his girls want to change in something similar of some South American illiberal countries. The Italian Constitution (1948) – Art Nr. 3. All citizens have equal social […]