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Tag Archive for: colour

MI AMI Festival ’16 – Una visione Street

Il  MI AMI (acronimo per Musica Importante a Milano) festival è l”happening” di musica indipendente e cultura giovanile più famoso in Italia. 15.000 fan si ritrovano presso il club Magnolia sulle sponde dell’Idroscalo di Milano per ascoltare e condividere le performance di più di 50 artisti su tre palchi. MI AMI gioca anche sul suo […]

Qualche Connessione di Vita – Street Photography a Milano

“I colori sono azione e sofferenza della luce” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe dal libro “La sofferenza della luce” di ALEX WEBB La street photography (o fotografia di strada) registra la realtà e la porta ad un livello superiore od artistico. Il suo scopo è quello di fissare nel frame fotografico un’azione normale e renderla in qualche […]

Milano Street Photography

As you know the Street Photography comes from “straight photography” or direct photography of the early ‘900 (for more and better information go to the blog of Angel Ferrillo). The most interesting thing for me is that the Street Photography is born as a new movement of photography that has as main characteristic to not […]

Course of Photography Level 1 – Corso di Fotografia Livello 1

LIFEPHOTO in cooperation with BETTER DAYS and ROCKIT ( organised the Photographic Course Level 1. This course starts introducing the basis of photography arriving to help the students in realizing their first practical reportage on the road and allowing studio experiences thanks to the cooperation with ilLABstudio in Milano ( Herewith please you could find […]

25 Aprile 2013 – Not Only the Day of the Italian Liberation

On April 25, 1945 Genoa, Turin and Milan were liberated by the Nazi oppression and Italy found its Freedom. Every year they show and hand down the memory of what happened in those terrible moments to remember it and with the hope modern generations are able to finally reconcile themselves with the past. Nevertheless this […]

GDO Grande Distribuzione Organizzata / MASS RETAIL

21 Gen 2011 / 2 Comments / in Colors, Colour, Goods, News, Reportage, serial

The no-places have always attracted to me, because they are stable, regular and obvious, but for this causing anxiety. The supermarkets with the airports are the maximum;  they can relax me, but also irritate me if assumed in the mistaken moments… The supermarkets are the place where you could find everything you need, quickly and […]

Australia RGB

Australia is a continent and just over three weeks to visit it are not enough, maybe even three years. The risk is to try to bring with you a bit of everything that it is a much anything. The probability of getting lost in the immensity was there so before leaving, and after seeing the […]