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Archive for category: Black & White

NEW YORK, Street in BW

Ho preso spunto da uno degli ultimi articoli di Andrea Scirè, un amico e serio Street Photographer, dal titolo “QUANTO SIETE LIBERI DI FOTOGRAFARE ?” apparsi recentemente sul suo seguitissimo blog per liberamente andare controcorrente a quello che avevo affermato e continuo a credere sul COLORE E LA STREET PHOTOGRAPHY. Che cosa è la […]

Course of Photography Level 1 – Corso di Fotografia Livello 1

LIFEPHOTO in cooperation with BETTER DAYS and ROCKIT ( organised the Photographic Course Level 1. This course starts introducing the basis of photography arriving to help the students in realizing their first practical reportage on the road and allowing studio experiences thanks to the cooperation with ilLABstudio in Milano ( Herewith please you could find […]

Exibition: “Favignana: quiete e mattanza” (from March 10th in Milano)

Favignana is a butterfly landed on Mediterranean Sea in front of the western Sicilian Cape. Its wings were always shacked by Tuna loving parade between end of May & beginning of June. The “Last Tonnaroti” followed the Tuna life cycles for having food & making a profitable business every year. Unfortunately the new technologies and […]


In Italy 2011 was the Demonstration Year against the National Rubbish Political Power. It was not only the “Berlusconi problem” but all the political system was ill. The Majority commanded by Mr. Berlusconi and his friends was not able to manage the Country. Their only policy was to defend the King for protecting their chair. […]

Portraits of USA streets

USA are really the best country where shooting people. Differently from Europeans, the Americans are accustomed to being photographed and do not care about your camera. So taking good images of streets portraits is relatively easy in NY and San Francisco. Maybe for this reason some of the best books of “street photography portraits” was […]