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Tag Archive for: milan

Street is Fashion

13 Nov 2017 / 0 Comments / in Fashion, Street Photography

Una occasione unica: poter scattare nei Backstage della moda milanese. Da qualche anno mi capita, ma non sono un fotografo di moda, sono uno “Strepher” ! (uno Street Photographer). Imitare i fotografi di moda, no non è il mio caso. Ognuno deve fare quello che gli piace ed io non mi ci vedo proprio con […]

Milan Fashion Week

The Italian city of Milan is recognised internationally as one of the world’s most important fashion capitals, along with Paris, New York and London. It is additionally recognized as the main sartorial hub in the country, with Rome and Florence being other major centres. Milan has established a long history within the fields of fashion, […]

Qualche Connessione di Vita – Street Photography a Milano

“I colori sono azione e sofferenza della luce” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe dal libro “La sofferenza della luce” di ALEX WEBB La street photography (o fotografia di strada) registra la realtà e la porta ad un livello superiore od artistico. Il suo scopo è quello di fissare nel frame fotografico un’azione normale e renderla in qualche […]

Milan’s Carnival – a Street vision

It is really strange, but in Milan the Carnival happens 4 days later than all the world. Milan is the 2nd Italian City after the Capital Rome and it wants always to be different. The rivalry with the Capital is in all aspects, not only about football or sports, but in all life’s issues. Milan […]

Inaugurazione Anno Giudiziario – Milano 30/01/2016

31 Gen 2016 / 0 Comments / in Milano, News, Reportage

Dalla relazione del Presidente Vicario Dott.ssa Marta Chiara Malacarne: “risultati nonostante manchi più di 1 cancelliere su 3”. Il procuratore generale Roberto Alfonso: «Estremo disagio per le difficoltà quotidiane» Nel 2011 i procedimenti civili pendenti nella Corte di Appello di Milano erano 14641, oggi sono diminuiti del 40% attestandosi a 8750. Anche nel penale il collasso […]


If today Milan in 2015 is this (the economic capital and the business of Italy) one of the reasons are the “Navigli” canals. Milan is not born on a great river as Rome (Tiber), Florence (Arno), Turin (Po) or Verona (Adige), but grows and develops in an area rich in spring waters and it has […]

Gentleman’s Ride Milano

On Sunday September 27th 2015, more than 36,833 smartly-dressed gentlefolk in 410 cities from 79 countries will straddled the saddles of their café racers, bobbers, scramblers and other marvellous custom motorcycles to raise awareness and help fund the cure for prostate cancer. In Milan 625 Riders and 14.289 € reached made the day very positive.

Milano Street Photography

As you know the Street Photography comes from “straight photography” or direct photography of the early ‘900 (for more and better information go to the blog of Angel Ferrillo). The most interesting thing for me is that the Street Photography is born as a new movement of photography that has as main characteristic to not […]

Gay Pride Milano 2015

The Economist published a map showing which European countries provide in their national gay marriage or some form of civil union, and those where there is no kind of recognition for homosexual couples. Civil unions are recognized in some way in the large part of Western Europe, while in Eastern Europe are still illegal: Italy […]

MI AMI 2015 “street photography workshop”

Il  MI AMI (acronimo per Musica Importante a Milano) festival è l”happening” di musica indipendente e cultura giovanile più famoso in Italia. E’ organizzato dal portale Rockit ( . Ogni anno nella prima settimana di Giugno durante la tre giorni dell’evento (quest’anno dal 5 al 7 ) una media di più di 15.000 fan si […]