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Archive for category: documentary

25 Aprile 2013 – Not Only the Day of the Italian Liberation

On April 25, 1945 Genoa, Turin and Milan were liberated by the Nazi oppression and Italy found its Freedom. Every year they show and hand down the memory of what happened in those terrible moments to remember it and with the hope modern generations are able to finally reconcile themselves with the past. Nevertheless this […]

Stramilano 2013 – The Milano Running

The “Stramilano” is a running event created in 1972 by Renato Cepparo. The idea took shape after the unexpected success of the Milan-Proserpio, a “non-competitive walk” of 43 km that Cepparo organized beginning with a few friends and then in an “open” to anyone who wanted to sign up from 18/Sett/1971. The first edition of […]

16 Ottobre 2012 – L’ultimo giorno di McDonald’s in Galleria

16 Ottobre 2012: in 5 mila in fila da McDonald’s per l’ultimo pasto democratico: hamburger e patatine fritte gratis. La nostalgia e i ricordi più belli su un muro di gioia, pianto e ribellione per una scelta insensata che solo grazie alla collaborazione tra managment e dipendenti di uno dei più grossi gruppi della ristorazione […]


Namibia is the most dry Country in Austral Africa continent. You can find one of the biggest desert in the world, in fact on the West cost you have the Namib Desert long 800 km and large 200 and inside the Country you find the Kalahari coming from South Africa and Botswana border. At the […]

Milano: the hope for a final (…lost vs Spain 0:4)

1st of July 20012, the Milan City as all the Italian towns are preparing for the European Championship Football Final against Spain. It was a strange tournament: the “Azzurri” (the Italian National name) started the first match with the favorite Spanish Team making 1:1. The Italians arrived in final against all the predictions (the European […]

25 Aprile 1945 (Italy is free)

On April 25th 1945 Genoa, Turin and Milan were liberated from the fascist oppression and Italy found its Freedom. Every year they show and hand down the memory of what happened in those terrible moments to remember and with the hope that modern generations are able to finally reconcile themselves with the past. Nowadays some […]

4 Seasons

15 Apr 2012 / 0 Comments / in Colour, documentary, Milano

Just one year. One year of photography, One year of life in Milan, “Città Study” (Universities Block of Milan) and surroundings. One only clock: the 4 seasons: Winter-Spring-Summer-Autumn. The clock which marks 365 days. Same place, different light. What’s photography if not the writing with light? What’s one year if not the recurrence of the […]

Maledetta Primavera

“Maledetta Primavera” (Damned Spring), take its name from a famous song of the 80’s Italian singer Loretta Goggi  and it is a big party organized by Rockit ( with all the Italian Music Live Clubs want take part of it to open the Italian Rock Bands’ “live” season. Rockit is the most important portal of Italian […]

Exibition: “Favignana: quiete e mattanza” (from March 10th in Milano)

Favignana is a butterfly landed on Mediterranean Sea in front of the western Sicilian Cape. Its wings were always shacked by Tuna loving parade between end of May & beginning of June. The “Last Tonnaroti” followed the Tuna life cycles for having food & making a profitable business every year. Unfortunately the new technologies and […]

Ligue du Nord

Milano (Italy), Jan. 22nd 2012 Political Demonstration of “Lega Nord” party. The Italian League North Party (Lega Nord) is actually the only parliamentary opposition in Italy against the new prime minister Professor Mario Monti after the Beluconian disaster. The “Lega” was born more than 20 years ago in Lombardia region, one of the richest European […]